Il Sole 24 Ore, Al via Giovani Donne che impresa!
15 Marzo 2021
NoiDonne, campagna contro il sessismo di Pangea
19 Marzo 2021Commission on the Status of Women Session 65
Virtual Webinar – Wednesday March 17, 2021
11.00 EST
Webinar registration https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kuHbEQQOQsSYSarnsvTH_Q
Online is the new front line for violence against women and girls, and it has increased exponentially during COVID-19 and the lockdowns. Online violence is an epicenter of risk, intersectional and intergenerational, and compounding multiple forms of violence against women and girls, including trafficking.
Distinguished Speakers;
- Baroness Hussein-ECE, Co-chair of the UK APPG on Population, Development & Reproductive Health- Violence Against Women in Public Life
- Simona Lanzoni, Second Vice President of Grevio-CoE Vice President Head of Projects and Advocacy Fondazione Pangea onlus -VAW New Frontier Between Hate Speech & Cyber Space
- Revd Dr. Carrie Pemberton Ford, Senior Fellow in Ethics and Public Life MBIT University of Cambridge Founding Director of the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking ccarht.org – The internet of women / not things– addressing the challenges of on-line recruitment, exploitation, and rapacious monetisation through policy, responsible business and education
- Mandy Sanghera, International human rights activists/ philanthropists
The Real Hidden Cost of the Pandemic on Women
- Shelley Zalis, CEO, The Female Quotient
Creating Safe, Virtual Spaces for Women in Business
- Sadia Mir, WUNRN EU – Online VAW SDGs and Agenda 2030, Moderator